Our “Kijo-shu” was used at the banquet of TICAD7
Our “Kinkon Kijo-shu” was used as the dessert sake at the banquet of TICAD7 (The Seventh Tokyo International Conference on African Development), which was hosted by Mr. Abe, Prime Minister of Japan, and held at the Yokohama Royal Park Hotel on 29th of Aug.
This sake is aged for a long time after brewing by partly using Junmai-shu for the fermentation process, and has characteristically amber color and deep sweetness.
In the speech, Mr. Abe said as follows. “We tonight prepared the dinner in which specialty products in Japan were used and the essence of Wa (Japanese taste) was introduced. We also prepared some kinds of sake from all over Japan to be enjoyed for each dish.”
It is our great honor for us that the sake in Tokyo was selected for the dinner. We’d express our deepest gratitude for Ms. Tejima, the president of Sai Shoku Ken Bi Co., Ltd for the selection process.